The new way to tote
Plant-Prod® provides soluble fertilizers to customers both in bags and in bulk. Customized formulations that are delivered in bulk simplify and speed up the preparation of large tanks of fertilizer solution. However, material compatibility limited the range of formulations available. This limitation is now behind us.
Our new Duo-ToteTM has two compartments which keep incompatible ingredients apart, avoiding caking and melting, and allowing the delivery of all formulations. The contents of the Duo-Tote can be released at the same time where they dissolve quickly and without precipitating. Suitable for larger growers, the benefits of the Duo-ToteTM are many:
One tote per tank – faster & easier
- Formulated specifically for your size of tank and plant nutrition needs.
- You need just one Duo-ToteTM per tank, which is simple to use and minimizes the possibility of operator error.
- The Duo-ToteTM can be lifted over the tank using a hoist or forklift. The drawstring on the bottom releases the fertilizer into the tank.
- No need to take delivery of numerous bags, each requiring time to open, lift and empty.
- Speed up operations. Our customers report time savings of 75%.