
News, maintenance, and grower tips about cannabis fertilizer and water soluble fertilizer from Plant-Prod and Plantex fertilizer suppliers near you.

The Problem With Hyperaccumulators: How to tell if you have contaminants in your Cannabis product.

The Problem With Hyperaccumulators: How to tell if you have contaminants in your Cannabis product. Plants with the capability of accumulating heavy metals above concentrations that would typically cause harm or toxicity in plants are known as hyperaccumulators. Cannabis is a well-known hyperaccumulator with the ability to remove heavy metal contaminants from soils. This characteristic […]

Cannabis Fertilizer Growers Guide from Plant-Prod

Why Are My Cannabis Seedlings Growing So Slow?

Why Are My Cannabis Seedlings Growing So Slow? We all want our cannabis seedlings to grow quickly and evolve into strong and healthy plants. To do this, you need to create the right environmental conditions for seedling growth. Many cannabis growers get antsy during the germination process. They worry about if their plants are growing […]

How Do You Use Plant-Prod MJ Cannabis Fertilizers With A Two Part A&B Nutrient System?

How Do You Use Plant-Prod MJ Cannabis Fertilizers With A Two Part A&B Nutrient System? Are you used to a two part A&B cannabis nutrient (i.e., nutes) system and unsure of how to implement the Plant-Prod MJ fertilizer program? In this article, we’ll explain A+B marijuana nutes systems and explain how to use one while […]

Water Soluble Fertilizer Tank Mix Jar Test

Can You Tank Mix Water Soluble Fertilizers? Pros, Cons & 5 Tips

We often get asked whether you can tank mix our water soluble fertilizers formulations.  Whether you should?  And how should you?  Tank mixing is defined as mixing multiple chemicals together in one tank. By giving growers the ability to do just one application vs multiple applications during the week, tank mixing can save time and, […]

How Do I Adjust My Irrigation Water? – Comparing Acid Choices To Maximize Plant Yield

Whether it’s for ornamental flowers, vegetables or cannabis plants, increasing greenhouse yield comes from more than just your choice of plant fertilizer. Adjusting your irrigation water is just as important and impacts what type of water soluble fertilizer you use. This post will help you determine what acid to add to reduce alkalinity and ensure […]

Adjusting Irrigation Water – Bicarbonates vs. pH

When it comes to irrigation water and water quality, you’ve probably heard the terms pH, alkalinity and bicarbonates thrown around. In this article, we’ll break down these terms and explain which should be the focus when treating your irrigation water. pH (potential Hydrogen) – a logarithmic scale measuring the acidity [hydrogen cation (H+) concentration] and […]

how much calcium fertilizer to feed plants

Do My Plants Need Calcium? How Much Calcium To Feed Your Plants

If you’re familiar with the classic milk advertisements praising calcium as a great way to build strong teeth and bones, then you shouldn’t be surprised to know that calcium is also essential for the “bones” of your plants (cell walls).  The problem is, that knowing how much calcium to feed your plant is not always […]

how do I properly clean my irrigation system

How To Properly Clean Your Irrigation System – And Avoid Future Clogs

When we talk about irrigation cleaning, we’re talking about more than simply running a disinfectant through your system. When using high performance plant nutrition, it’s important that we’re actually removing sources of disease, microorganism buildup and physical barriers to ensure these nutrients are able to perform at their best. When you allow clogs to build […]

how old should cannabis cuttings be before adding nutrients

How old should cannabis cuttings be before adding nutrients? 6 things growers should know:

For beginner growers, a common question is “how old should seedlings be before nutrients are applied?” However, more experienced growers will know that question should actually be “how old should cannabis cuttings be before adding nutrients?” The reason is that starting from seedlings is much more time-consuming than starting from cuttings from mother plants. With […]

MPPI Supports Horticulture Education

This past month, Plant-Prod was honoured to be able to support one of our employee’s local schools by making a donation to increase awareness to the horticulture industry. The below comes from the Leipsic Local School District Facebook page: “During the February Board of Education meeting, Mr. Greg Williamson, LLSD Superintendent accepted a donation from […]